O who believe! Put not yourselves forward before Allah and His Messenger; but fear Allah: for Allah is He Who hears and knows all things. (Qur'an 49:1)
Say thou: O people of the Book! Exceed not the just bounds in your religion except with truth, and follow not the vain desires of a people who have strayed a foretime and have led many astray and have strayed from the level way. (Qur'an 5:77)
This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed….(Qur'an 5:3)
Our role model is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) & Sahabas (Companions) and not our ancestors. In their life, never practice Qur'an khawaani or Fatiha or Barsi etc., even after own children's or wife or others death.
On behalf of dead we can perform Haj or give charity or keep fast if she or he ought and we can ask du'aa for their forgiveness. These are prove by authentic Hadith but nowhere are written that on behalf of them recites Qur'an or offer their prayers. We can't go ahead than Allah's Prophet (PBUH). These are innovations. If we recite Qur’an, we will get reward. It's for our guidance also.
SAHIH MUSLIM: Book 013, Number 4005:
Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).
SAHIH BUKHARI: Volume 3, Book 29, Number 77
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: A woman from the tribe of Juhaina came to the Prophet and said, "My mother had vowed to perform Hajj but she died before performing it. May I perform Hajj on my mother's behalf?" The Prophet replied, "Perform Hajj on her behalf. Had there been a debt on your mother, would you have paid it or not? So, pay Allah's debt as He has more right to be paid.”
SAHIH BUKHARI: Volume 3, Book 31, Number 174
Narrated Ibn Abbas: A man came to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! My mother died and she ought to have fasted one month (for her missed Ramadan). Shall I fast on her behalf?" The Prophet replied in the affirmative and said, "Allah's debts have more right to be paid." In another narration a woman is reported to have said, "My sister died...”
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: A woman said to the Prophet "My mother died and she had vowed to fast but she didn't fast." In another narration Ibn 'Abbas is reported to have said, "A woman said to the Prophet, "My mother died while she ought to have fasted for fifteen days.”
SAHIH MUSLIM: Book 005, Number 2196
'A'isha said that a person came to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: My mother died suddenly without having made any will. I think she would have definitely given Sadaqah if she had been able to speak. Would she have a reward if I gave Sadaqah on her behalf? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Yes. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Hisham with the same chain of transmitters. And in the hadith transmitted by Abu Usamah the words are:" She did not make any will," as it has been reported by Ibn Bishr, but it was not reported by the rest of the narrators.
SAHIH MUSLIM: Book 009, Number 3552
Umm 'Atiyya ('Allah be pleased with her) said: We were forbidden to observe mourning for the dead beyond three days except in the case of husband (where it is permissible) for four months and ten days, and (that during this period) we should neither use collyrium nor touch perfume, nor wear dyed clothes, but concession was given to a woman when one of us was purified of our courses to make use of a little incense or scent.
This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did. (Qur'an 2:134)
This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did. (Qur'an 2:141)
That it may warn him who would have life, and (that) the word may prove true against the unbelievers. (Qur'an 36:70)
SAHIH MUSLIM: Book 018, Number 4266
A'isha reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who innovates things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected.
Book 018, Number 4267:
Sa'd b. Ibrahim reported: I asked Qasim b. Muhammad about a person who had three dwelling houses and he willed away the third part of every one of these houses; he (Qasim b. Muhammad) said: All of them could be combined in one house; and then said: 'A'isha informed me that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: He who did any act for which there is no sanction from our behalf, that is to be rejected.
"Beware of the newly-invented matters, for every such matter is a bid'ah and every bid'ah leads astray, and everything that leads astray is in the Fire," [Reported by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhee and others, no. 2549 in Sahih al-Jami' without, " … every thing that leads astray is in the Fire …", and hadith no.28 in an-Nawawi's Forty Hadith]
Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Allah does not accept the repentance of an innovator until he abandons his innovation”. (At- Tabaraani & Bayhaqi)